The Journal

Fifteen Minutes With Sophia Rosemary And The Mini Poppy Bag

The beauty of our bags is that everyone can wear them. No matter how you like to dress, we have a colour and style that will compliment your look wonderfully.

Posted on 22 Nov 2017 10:59

Fifteen Minutes With Sophia Rosemary And The Mini Poppy Bag - Cambridge Satchel

The beauty of our bags is that everyone can wear them. No matter how you like to dress, we have a colour and style that will compliment your look wonderfully. Which is why celebrating truly individual style has always been at the heart of what we do.

Manchester blogger Sophia’s very unique and throughly timeless personal style first caught our eye on Instagram. Taking inspiration from British icons of eras gone by – notably: David Bowie & Jane Birkin, her dress sense is aspirational but completely achievable. Sophia  shows us how to wear the same item again and again in new and interesting ways (which in the blogger world can be very rare) and her Instagram feed is a daily saviour in one of those ‘I don’t know what to wear’ moments when you’re staring hopelessly into your wardrobe in the morning.

Alongside her personal style blog Sophia Rosemary, Sophia works full time as a Merchandiser for an online fashion retailer. Her blog is very much her creative outlet, a little corner of the internet where she can play and try things out – it seems to be a happy coincidence that it’s also attracted so many followers in such a short space of time.

We recently launched our new Poppy Collection and were looking for four stylish, creative women to show us how they’d wear the bag in their very own way– naturally we thought of Sophia.

In between outfit changes and coffee breaks on our shoot day in Hyde Park, we spent fifteen minutes with Sophia, nattering about what gets her through the week, who she admires most and everything else we thought you might like to know about Manchester’s most stylish new blogger.

Cambridge Satchel - Sophia Rosemary


My morning routine… Get up reluctantly, feed my cat in a hurry, get dressed in a hurry, leave the house in a hurry, find coffee ASAP.


My typical day… is rainy because I live in Manchester. And busy!


To someone who had no idea what I did, I’d describe my job as… a bit of a juggling act.


I drink approximately zero cups of tea a day  (but about 3 cups of coffee!)

Cambridge Satchel - Sophia Rosemary  

Three things I need to have in my bag to get through the day? My favourite lipstick, which FYI is coral. Dry Shampoo. Headphones. 


I am most productive when… I’ve drank said 3 cups of coffee.


The best part of my week is… when I get to see my family or my boyfriend. Saturday morning lay in’s are a close second.


If I could only choose one social media platform to use for the rest of time, I’d choose… Myspace…joking, Instagram – of course!


When I need to relax/switch off, I… listen to The Beatles.

Cambridge Satchel - Sophia Rosemary

Cambridge Satchel - Sophia Rosemary



When I was younger I wanted to be… A Ballet dancer who also owned a cattery… What  can I say?  I was a five year old with a strong work ethic.


The best thing about my job is…  I’m always on the go and I always feel challenged.

 Cambridge Satchel - Sophia Rosemary

The thing I’m most proud of in my career to date is… I’ve never thought about what I’m most proud of before, who knows, maybe I haven’t got there yet…


Three women who inspire me the most and why:

  1. Jane Birkin – for basically being the coolest woman that ever lived with zero effort.
  2. Audrey Hepburn – maybe she’s an obvious choice, but I always think a woman who appeared so perfect (inside and out), would have the perfect, conventional Hollywood life story. But she didn’t – quite the opposite.  She also grew old gracefully and naturally, which is so lovely to see.
  3. My mother – for teaching me about the importance of dressing well and Northern Soul.

Cambridge Satchel - Sophia Rosemary

If I wasn’t doing what I’m doing now, I’d be… Probably not a ballet dancer. Possibly owning a cattery. Hopefully something in which I got to draw again. Something with a bigger creative output. Or something which involved more travel.

 If I could swap places with anyone in the world for the day, it’d be…

My Cat… or Keith Richards (in the 1960s)

 My favourite quote/motto is…

Favourite Motto- “Smooth seas, never made skilful sailors”.

Favourite Quote- “All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time”  – Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom.

Cambridge Satchel - Sophia Rosemary


Love The Poppy? Browse our current collections here

Posted on 22 Nov 2017 10:59